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Classic vinaigrette

Updated: Aug 24, 2021

Super simple, versatile, and classic salad dressing. Whip up within minutes. Drizzle on any salad, bang, the salad starts singing. A perfect base to make many alternative vinaigrettes.

Only 6 everyday ingredients required to create this easy vinaigrette recipe. Traditionally the recipe calls for 1 : 3 ; vinegar : oil ratio (i.e. 1 part Vinegar to 3 part oil) but I like mine on a tangy side so I go by roughly 1:1 ratio. You can always increase oil or decrease vinegar quantity to make it milder. You can also alter sweetness to suit your taste buds.

This recipe is simple and flexible at the same time. It forms an ideal base to build endless variants of vinaigrettes. You can experiment by choosing different types of vinegar or throw in herbs or spices of your choice or play with different sweeteners or toss in minced garlic, vegetables, fruits. We are only limited by our imaginations. Go wild, tone up, or tone down new ingredients, flavours, and create your own magical dressing using this classic vinaigrette base.

Don't fret, if you can't make your own variations, I won't leave you in a lurch. Soon, I will be posting some of my take on different versions of vinaigrette to help you get going with ideas.

Skip to recipe Classic Vinaigrette Recipe or continue reading for tips and stages of making the recipe

Here are the ingredients needed that are easily found in every (Q)kitchen to make the simplest vinaigrette.

White Vinegar (Sirka), Oil, Lemon/Lime Juice, Raw sugar, Pink Himalayan salt, and Crushed Black pepper

Stages of Making - 3 Simple steps

1. Add Sugar and Salt to vinegar. Mix well until sugar dissolves completely

2. Add crushed black pepper, lemon/lime juice and stir well

3. Add oil and mix it thoroughly with a whisk until oil and vinegar emulsify.

Why do Oil and vinegar separate when left to sit?

It is natural for vinegar and oil to separate as both are insoluble liquids. No matter how much we whisk or blend the mixture, it will eventually separate. So whisk well just before pouring it over the salad to get an even distribution.

Alternative for white vinegar?

You can use any type of vinegar. Such as apple cider vinegar, rice vinegar, balsamic vinegar, wine vinegar, any citrus fruit juice. All vinegar varies in the level of acetic acid it contains. Based on the level of acidity, adjust the amount of sweetener to balance the tartness and amount of oil to regulate the intensity of sharpness.

Alternative to Sugar?

I use raw sugar in my recipe. But you can replace it with white sugar, caster sugar, brown sugar, or coconut sugar. You can also replace sugar with syrups like honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, or liquid stevia. The amount of liquid syrup may differ based on its sweetness.

Oil options?

I have used olive oil in my recipe. You can go for any light, flavourless oil like rice bran oil, grapeseed oil, or vegetable oil. If you don't mind a little extra flavour then you can add a small amount of your favourite nut oil along with the mild oil mentioned above.

How to mix vinaigrette?

There are three ways to mix vinaigrette.

  • Mix it using a mini hand whisk or

  • Shake it in an airtight jar or

  • Blend it.

How to test the vinaigrette for taste?

Vinaigrette by itself will taste strong and sharp. For the exact idea of what the dressing will taste like on your salad, dip a leaf into the dressing, shake off the excess, and try.

Storing Vinaigrette?

Store vinaigrette in a glass airtight container and place it in the refrigerator. Do not use steel container as the acid from vinegar reacts with metal and spoil the taste to the vinaigrette.

What is the shelf life of homemade vinaigrette?

This recipe will keep for a week in the refrigerator. Make sure to whisk it well just before using it. If it is made without lemon juice then it will keep in the refrigerator, well-sealed, for several weeks. Simply add lemon juice as and when required.

If making vinaigrette using fresh ingredients, such as herbs, garlic, or minced vegetables and fruits, refrigerate it, well-sealed, and use it within two to three days.

Ditch store-bought salad dressings and switch to homemade vinaigrette.

Recipe link below


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